Saturday, April 10, 2010


We have finally turned the corner! Seen the light!  Emerged from the very long, very windy, very dark "transition tunnel"...and are loving Switzerland.  The energy to get acclimated to a new life and to wake up every morning with a huge list of to-do's to get done in order to coordinate this move cannot be explained (nor should it be attempted to be described if I want to hang onto any hope of having anyone read this blog)!  BUT, I can honestly say that I now feel as strongly positive about being here as I felt that I "just want my life back" a couple of weeks ago.  And although daily life is just tougher here...more steps both literally and figuratively, it is all worth it for the new perspective on how people live in other parts of the world.  I won't take for granted how friendly and helpful Americans are.  AND, I will always strive to be more helpful to people I run into that don't speak English.  I won't take for granted the wide selection of affordable food we have in our grocery stores, AND I will be more attentive to not wasting anything just because it is affordable.  I am hoping to hang onto healthy habits that we have established here, like cooking every night with all natural and all organic ingredients.
Growth always comes from being pushed out of our comfort zones, and that is a another positive reward each of us is already gaining from this experience.  New perspectives, deeper appreciations for our blessings, and a reminder of how good a simple, natural life can be.  


  1. What great thoughts, Jodi! I'm reading through your whole blog (backwards). From looking at your facebook pictures, it's easy to just see the beautiful scenery and smiling faces of you and your family without realizing all the hard stuff and adjustments you guys went through and are going through as you navigate your new life. You are such an inspirational mom!!

  2. Thanks, Colleen. All of the strife is certainly worth the experience. We will all grow and be better off for the good and the bad! Give Alice a squeeze...she's got a cool mom too, ya know!
