Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I know you other parents out there can identify with me…there are times when it just feels like you can't gain any traction with the whole child-wrangling/cleaning/shopping/cooking/personal improvement/family activity-calendar deal.  But as I am hanging on, making it through the end of a 10 day solo-parenting stint (with a three day holiday weekend as the icing on the cake) I am feeling like I am on the losing end of a never ending whack-a-mole game.  Seriously…I can't believe I ever thought a third baby would just "slip in the cracks".  Ha!  (Don't worry, Levi…I  have come to grips with the fact that those metaphorical moles have bested me…you are worth it all).  Where's the European tie-in you ask?  Well, one of the adjustments that I've had a hard time getting used to over here is the super small washing machines that have super long wash cycles.  (At least we have a machine in our apartment which is rare here.  The majority of apartments here have one room in the basement that-you guessed it-has rules governing it's use: every family gets a scheduled time slot or laundry day of the week. Yikes-we would  suffocate under our own little Alp d'laundry in that situation--there are NO laundromats in Switzerland!!!)  Keeping up with the laundry of three boys-and a husband who has two sets of workout clothes a day-has become a real trick. (like I'm now playing whack-a-mole with my dominant eye shut!).  Anyway, I've instated some new laundry rules…jammies and jeans WILL be worn more than once!  Feels kinda Euro, if you know what I mean.  While I do feel good about saving water, energy, and decreasing the soap in the water system, the bigger personal lesson is that I am coming to grips with the fact that I never will win the life version of whack-a-mole (there will always be laundry, crumbs, fingerprints, crumbs, star wars action figures, crumbs…), but I WILL have fun playing.


  1. jodi, you are so awesome! you make life fun just knowing you. i love you. keep whacking at those moles.

  2. I lost 'whack a mole' several children ago ; ) Seriously, agree with above comments - you are so good w/ these metaphors - and I absolutely LOVE hearing about your interesting stories abroad. When I studied in Lux, my "house-Mom" used to hang all our clothing in the frigid temps to dry b/c it was too expensive to run the dryer - it was like putting on cardboard pants! Speaking of metaphors, Katie and I often recall the 'poking at your eyes' and the 'im being suffocated by my basement in my sleep'....OK, I cannot recall the exact metaphor but you know what I mean!! Love you girl!!

  3. Jodi, you are such an amazing writer! It is so fun to read about your experiences in Europe as a MOM! I could not imagine before reading your blog, but you do such a good job of painting the picture.

  4. Thanks Emy, Claire and Heidi! Keeping it real!

  5. Hey jodi. I love this website! It makes me feel like we are chatting away like ususal. I love the whack a mole too...great way of putting it... only it should be the Euro whack a mole or whack a mole level 2 or something with all of those crazy Zurich stipulations! I think taking out the trash and laundry and grocery shopping are all those things we just and hate to do however you my friend are on another planet where you cant just take out the trash without having a lady at the store make you almost cry over stickers or going to how many ever stores it takes to get the groceries, and carrying them home with Levi on your back or getting into fights with people in the parking lots b/c there is no where to park your big bus ...and of course the tiny washers. Just keep whacking and you know one day you will just look back on all of this and laugh (i hope).
    we need to talk again...only this time sans kiddos or put them on another computer and just let them have at it with their silly faces and crazy stuff...btw..Devin was kissing Luke on the TV yesterday. we were looking at pics on the apple tv and came across the ones of the beach...tooo cute! also, is that pic at the top of Levi? it looks like isaac?? Love you talk soon? sorry i have been mia. and sorry this is sorta skitzo..but tis my life right now
